Friday , July 26 2024
Breaking News

Political Whispers

Housing Availability Careening Over the Cliff in California

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Want to buy a home?  If you make less than six figures and don’t have a healthy down payment in your bank account, with reserves, it isn’t possible in most of California. Median home prices in Southern California surged 8.2 percent last year according to real estate data firm CoreLogic, …

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Republican Tax Plan a Boon for Working Americans

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When Republicans in Congress passed the largest tax reform in the last 30 years, the opposition party held press conferences decrying the measure and telling the nation it was actually a big tax increase for the middle class.  They referred to it as “Armageddon” and other outlandish descriptions of gloom …

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Colonies Corruption Case Now a Real Scandal

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Well, State and County Prosecutors promised to uncover the scandal in the “Colonies Corruption Case” and they did not disappoint. Unfortunately, the scandal they exposed is that they are the perpetrators of a crime. After seven months and dozens of witnesses, the brilliant prosecutors from the Attorney General’s office and …

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Doing Millennials No Favors in California

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If you were born between 1977 and 1995, you are commonly referred to as the Millennial Generation and have many causes for concern.  If you are the parent of a millennial, or any generation after, you should be very concerned. While millennials have their own problems brought about by a …

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California Screws Car Owners (Again)

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Back in 2003, California Governor Grey Davis was recalled by the voters of the once Golden State, in part, because of his successful effort to triple the car tax.  One of the first actions of the new Governor was to sign the repeal of that tax increase. Apparently, our current …

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San Bernardino is Right to Ask for Help

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The City of San Bernardino has problems.  The city, despite having exited bankruptcy, remains broke.  The police department is undermanned and underfunded.  Increased pension obligations to CalPERS threatens to consume any additional revenue to the department and the city. San Bernardino has more than 30 illegally operating pot shops in …

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