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Inland Empire Business News January, 2015.003
Inland Empire Business News January, 2015.003

Embracing What Will Be in the New Year

By Ed Hoffman

If you have ever seen the 2011 movie “New Year’s Eve,” you know that Hillary Swank’s character makes an impassioned speech about the meaning of New Year’s at the end of the film. She says it’s about, “Getting another chance, a chance to forgive…to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more, to stop worrying about what if…and start embracing what will be.” Could this be any more applicable today?

She continues: “So when that ball drops at midnight…let’s remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other, and not just tonight but all year long.” I know, I know; you’ve heard plenty of speeches like this before. If you’re tempted to write all of this off as the same generic, feel-good New Year’s blather you hear every year, that’s reasonable – but I encourage you to reconsider.

Think about everything we’ve experienced as a nation this year; for that matter, think about everything we’ve experienced as a nation in the past month. When you consider that, it seems easier to make 2015 the year we will be more kind to law enforcement; after all, 2014 was the year they suffered the most collective blows since the 1970s. Hopefully, 2015 will be the year that those who believe they have been wronged by police at some point in their lives will make an effort to forgive – and move on, permanently.

Then, there’s the part where we stop worrying what if. What if Mitt Romney had done this or that – would he be President now? What if local police matters just stayed local, or two beloved comedians hadn’t passed away under respectively terrible circumstances, or our nation’s 45-year embargo against Cuba had not been lifted? Unfortunately, nothing can be reversed; like the movie quote tells us, all we can do is move forward and start embracing what will be.

As for getting another chance, maybe 2015 will be the year that Republicans decide to support those candidates who actually stand a chance of winning back the White House. Personally, that’s my New Year’s wish. As my radio listeners know, I’m excited about the possibility that people like Dr. Ben Carson will run, or perhaps Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. But if it turns out that Jeb Bush is the only viable candidate, then so be it. I just want to win – and I strongly advise anyone who regards themselves as conservative to adopt the same position.

Let’s make 2015 the year we start embracing what will be, and hope for that future to be something better and brighter than it was last year.

Ed Hoffman is the host of the Main Event on AM590, which airs Saturday at 9:30 AM and Sunday at 4:00 PM. Follow him on Twitter @EdHoffman, and like him on Facebook by searching The Main Event AM590.

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