Wednesday , March 12 2025
Breaking News

Major industrial project slated for Norco

Construction has begun on the first phase of an industrial park in Norco that will eventually cover two million square feet.

Palomino Ranch will consist of 24 buildings on approximately 112 acres and will be the largest industrial project in city history when it’s completed, according to the project’s developer, CapRock Partners in Newport Beach.

The project is being built at 1811 Mountain Ave., about two miles north of the Interstate 15-91 Freeway interchange. Its first phase will be made up of eight stand-alone buildings that will range from 55,000 to 156,000 square feet.

Completion dates were not disclosed.

“The Inland Empire industrial real estate market is near full-occupancy as retailers and suppliers continue to shift their strategies in today’s post-pandemic economy,” said Patrick Daniels, CapRock Partners’ co-founder and chief executive officer, in a statement.

“Norco is well-positioned geographically for logistics and transportation in the Inland Empire West submarket, within minutes to Orange County, and Palomino’s phase one will be coming online at an ideal time to provide needed warehouse space.”

Palomino Ranch is CapRock’s third ground-up development in Norco, and one of two in the city the company is working on now. Lee & Associates is in charge of marketing the project.

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One comment

  1. All I see in all these ugly warehouses is empty buildings filled to the brim with homeless people and more HUGE POT HOLES, smog so bad you can’t breathe , a lot of truck vs. auto accidents, trucks parked aling the street in “ no parking “ zones .
    But the health and sanity of our community is not a big deal really…. Right?
    If someone could answer this one question with a real answer I might change my opinion, what are all these counties really doing with the Tax money? And just 1 point I would like to make, why are all the surrounding counties starting to vote against all these new mega cement buildings?
    I know they pay less than anyone for water, we the residents of theses counties pay the most . I’m not positive but how come houses that have 3/4 “ pipes pay more the these
    Monster buildings with their 12” pipes?? I have seen my little community of the unincorporated part of Riverside turn into nothing but these ugly monster buildings , with rude and reckless truck drivers that run red lights, race down small residential neighborhoods, all without a care.
    I used to look at a beautiful golf coarse on El Rivino rd. Now I see nothing but concrete ugly buildings. And to drive down the streets ( what we’re my quickest route to work ) to have to sit in traffic , or have a truck do 25 miles an hour in a 40 zone or worse their driving 65 in a 35 zone and the air that I breathe is so horrid let’s be real here, who wins in the end?? What are the benifits for them? NOTHING!

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