Wednesday , March 12 2025
Breaking News

Riverside County starts online vaccine survey

Riverside County has started an online survey that asks residents their views on the COVID-19 vaccines.

County officials want a better understanding of the public’s feelings about vaccination and their experiences with the Coronavirus, according to a statement on the county’s website.

“Knowing how residents are feeling about vaccination helps us to know how we can better assist them with any concerns they may have about the vaccine,” said Kim Saruwatari, director of Riverside University Health System – Public Health, in the statement.

The survey may be completed online in about five minutes. It asks how much people know about vaccination and whom they trust the most regarding information about the pandemic.

The survey is available inEnglish and Spanish at:

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  1. I lost 2 friends to COVID-19 and I was so thankful for my appointment.
    I had no problem and I took the Pfizer shot!

  2. Will never trust anything that the government is a part of as long as a Democrat is in office especially will not trust anything that dr Fauci is a part of. My health my risk and my choice. This covid bs is creating new social norms and the people who like the masks are fascists. Understand what fascism is and you’ll be able to discern.

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