Wednesday , March 12 2025
Breaking News

Riverside stops residential street sweeping

Riverside has temporarily stopped street-sweeping services in residential areas, a result of  Gov. Gavin Newson’s regional “stay-at-home” order.

Also, enforcement of parking violations related to street-sweeping have been suspended, according to a statement on the city’s website.

Enforcement of other parking violations will also be relaxed. For example, vehicles parked in preferential parking zones without a permit will not be cited.  This policy will remain in place until the regional stay-at-home order is lifted.

All parking citation payment deadlines are being extended until March 15, 2021, and parking fees at public garages will still be collected during the daytime. However, those fees will be suspended during the evening, although the garages will remain open.

For more information visit:

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  1. Will residents receive a discounted Utility bill given services will not be rendered?

  2. We haven’t had street sweeping since the beginning of the year. Why do u say u suspended street sweeping now? How do I know how long it’s been since I last saw a street sweeper? Because I’ve been cleaning my gutter every week

    • My husband went out two days after the stay at home order was reissued, to 2 official cars having already written 11 tickets-4 minutes after the official start time for sweeping. There were literally over 50 cars on the street, and they were going to ticket them all… my husband called downtown and asked why the process was restarted when there was a new stay at home order issued, and after strongly presenting his questions and demanding answers, they finally lifted the fine.
      If you don’t question their actions and help the officials (who never are in sync with other official departments) they will take advantage and assume that everybody will just pay the $40 rather than call and fight.

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