Friday , March 14 2025

Tran named to SCAG panel

San Bernardino Mayor Helen Tran has been appointed to the Southern California Association of Government’s Community, Economic, and Human Development Committee.
Tran will represent San Bernardino and the San Bernardino County Transportation Authority, according to a statement on the city’s website.

The committee reviews regional projects, plans and programs. Its duties overseeing growth and managing the Regional Housing Needs Assessment, which lays out many houses each Southern California city will be required to build to help ease the state’s housing crisis.

Tran joins San Bernardino council member Damon Alexander in representing part of the Inland Empire on an association of governments committee.
Last month, Damon Alexander was appointed to the Committee on Energy and the Environment, according to the statement.

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Kalfus to deliver State of City speech

Mayor Brenden Kalfus will deliver Temecula’s 2025 State of the City Address June 5 at …


  1. Excellent choice!

  2. I Heard that Las Vegas found a way to clean the ocean into drinking water. Why can’t California beable to do the same thing
    So that everyone has water.

  3. We are the worst city to live. Most pollution
    Dirtiest City. Most crime. I’m so embarrassed living
    In San Bernardino that I say live in Loma Linda.
    I don’t ever think we will ever get off these lists
    It’s impossible. Everyone from East LA and the gangs are here.

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