Friday , March 14 2025
Ed Hoffman.001
Ed Hoffman.001

Tune in to The Main Event this Saturday Morning at 9:30 on AM590

Tune in to The Main Event this Saturday morning at 9:30 on AM590 with host Ed Hoffman as he discusses national current events and politics, with a few mortgage tips along the way. Ed delivers intelligent, entertaining radio that makes hard news easy to understand!

First, a bit of mortgage news: Mortgage rates got radically higher this week, and then came right back down at the same time that the government data tells us unemployment has gone down which should the exact opposite to the market. Ed has some commentary that sheds insight on this development; he does the math nobody is doing, and asks the questions nobody is asking. He also has some investment advice everyone in the Inland Empire needs to hear, with a little comic relief thrown in. You don’t want to miss it!

Next, Ed touches on what’s going on in the country this week. He is unhappy that the President makes statements on the sudden death of notable people like Facebook CEO Sheryl Sandberg’s husband, but has no time to comment on the murder of 25-year-old NYPD officer Brian Moore. Ed’s reaction to the President’s track record of selectively honoring the deaths of certain Americans while ignoring others is “amazement;” if you agree, be sure to catch this week’s show.

The next topic is the attack on a “free speech” event in Garland, Texas committed by two gunmen who are now being associated with ISIS. Event organizer Pamela Geller is being criticized for holding the “Draw Muhammed” event – but Ed agrees with Megyn Kelly, who has defended Geller’s right to free speech this week. While he believes the decision to hold the event may have been “dumb,” Ed feels the abundant criticisms of Geller’s group are unjustified.

Then, it’s on to a recap of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s problems this week. Tune in to The Main Event this week to hear about:

  • Bill Clinton’s now-infamous “I have to pay our bills” comment
  • The question that prompted him to say, “I just work here” and his claim that there is “one set of rules for politics in America, and another set for real life”
  • Ed’s thoughts on the extravagant expenses of the Clinton Foundation
  • Ed’s Bill Clinton impression (yes, he has one!)
  • Hillary Clinton’s hypocrisy regarding campaign finance; last month, she said she wanted to “take money out of politics” and now, she spent the week here in California getting sky-high donations for hew new super PAC
  • Ms. Clinton’s plans to testify before the House on Benghazi; why does she get to decide when and how she will testify?
  • Facts about Chelsea Clinton’s father-in-law you may not have known; why does the entire family get a pass?

Ed’s bottom line: Nobody gets the privileges the Clintons get. Tune in to The Main Event this weekend if you agree!

On this week’s show, you’ll also hear about:

  • Ed’s take on the three Republicans to enter the presidential race this week
  • Carly Fiorina’s challenging first week on the campaign trail, courtesy of the media, and how she fired back
  • An empowering poem Ben Carson’s mother recited to her children; if you care about self-improvement, you don’t want to miss it!

Catch Ed Hoffman, host of The Main Event, on air this Saturday at 9:30 a.m. with encore presentations at 9 p.m., and Sunday at 4 p.m. Follow him on Twitter @EdHoffman, and like him on Facebook by searching The Main Event AM590.

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