Friday , March 14 2025

Tune in to The Main Event this Saturday Morning at 9:30 on AM590

Tune in to The Main Event this Saturday morning at 9:30 on AM590 with host Ed Hoffman as he discusses national current events and politics, with a few mortgage tips along the way. Ed delivers intelligent, entertaining radio that makes hard news easy to understand!

This week, Ed begins the show with some mortgage, bond market and healthcare observations. Tune in for his professional and anecdotal insight, which Ed sums up with, “Everybody may have insurance now, but nobody’s getting healthcare.”

Next, it’s on to national current events. This week, many have observed that the already crowded Republican field is getting even more crowded. Ed remarks that despite everyone’s concerns, former Texas Governor Rick Perry is still his favorite contender and he will be more than happy to support him when he enters the race on June 4. “He creates jobs, he understands how the economy works, and he says, ‘If the federal government isn’t going to seal the borders, I’m going to do that for my state.’ He’s a strong leader.” As for the other dozen contenders (yes, it’s now up to about 12 potential candidates), Ed says, “We have no idea what these guys give up to run for President. This is more than a four-year commitment.”

One such candidate, Rand Paul, made news this week with his filibuster of the Senate’s vote on extending the Patriot Act. Ed plays audio of Paul’s nearly 11 hour speech, in which he claims there is “enormous gathering of our records…in bulk,” and refers to the invasions of privacy he believes the Patriot Act imposes on Americans. Ed says, “I’m not that concerned,” and states that he is all for the government looking at meta-data if it means preventing terrorist attacks on our soil.

Next it’s on to discussing Hillary Clinton, who finally spoke to reporters this week after a 28-day media blackout. Ed plays audio clips of the impromptu press conference, where reporters first asked Ms. Clinton about the scrutiny of the Clinton Foundation. Ed provides analysis based on what the Clinton Foundation’s own website says, and you may find it both insightful and amusing. Tune in this weekend to hear it! She was also asked how she can relate to everyday Americans by a reporter who reminded her that she is in the “tip-top echelon” of earners in the United States. Hear Clinton’s response, and Ed’s take on it, on The Main Event this weekend. And if you have heard about the fuss over Clinton crony Sydney Blumenthal and wondered what it’s all about, Ed explains it in a frank, easy-to-understand manner. Tune in to hear how Blumenthal’s connections to the Clintons, the Clinton Foundation, Libyan business interests, emails on the attack on the American consulate in Benghazi, and the State Department all tie in to each other and make for one big reason why Ms. Clinton should not be our next President.

In this week’s show, Ed reiterates one of his favorite observations: “The greatest threat to this country is not teaching our kids about America.” If you think that talking politics with your kids is a bad idea, hear what Ed has to say.

Catch Ed Hoffman, host of The Main Event, on air this Saturday at 9:30 a.m. with encore presentations at 9 p.m., and Sunday at 4 p.m. Follow him on Twitter @EdHoffman, and like him on Facebook by searching The Main Event 590.

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