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Tune in to The Main Event this Saturday Morning at 9:30 on AM590

Tune in to The Main Event this Saturday morning at 9:30 on AM590 with host Ed Hoffman as he discusses national current events and politics, with a few mortgage tips along the way. Ed delivers intelligent, entertaining radio that makes hard news easy to understand!

This week, it’s all about the first Republican debate. Ed begins the show by reading an op-ed that former Speaker of the House and 2012 presidential candidate Newt Gingrich wrote in the Washington Post. It addresses several events in the news right now: from Cecil the Lion, to the recent exposés on Planned Parenthood, to the ongoing Hillary Clinton email debacle. How does all this apply to the GOP debate? Tune in to find out! You’ll also get some behind-the-scenes mortgage industry scoops from Ed, who knows the truth about last decade’s mortgage meltdown and is happy to share his insights with you.

There’s one more topic before getting to the debate, and it’s the President’s comments in a speech he made about Iran this week. Ed is disgusted that Obama made a comparison between Iranian hardliners who yell “death to America” and congressional Republicans who oppose the Iran nuclear deal. “That wasn’t funny,” Ed says. If you agree that it was horribly inappropriate, tune in to this week’s show.

Next, it’s on to recapping the first Republican debate. As Ed said in his weekly opinion column here, he was looking for certain topics to be addressed and touches on how the candidates fared when it came to discussing those.

Of course, all eyes were on Donald Trump for the debate. Ed’s opinion: “He didn’t do himself any good. He’s an accomplished businessman, but he could have been humble about it and he was kind of defensive. All in all, I think he came out neutral – no gains, no losses.”

Ed gives his opinion regarding the talked-about moment in the first moments of the debate, where the candidates were asked whether they would get behind the eventual nominee and Trump was the only one to refuse. “He should have said, ‘I’m not ready to make that commitment yet,’ instead of just saying no,” Ed says. He also questions the much-publicized phone call between Trump and Bill Clinton, saying, “That concerns me.”

Ed also plays audio from Chris Christie and Rand Paul sparring on the debate stage. The discussion concerned the collection of American citizens’ data by the NSA, of which Paul is a known critic. Because Christie has a different perspective, the two argue intensely – and according to Ed, Christie wins it. “I’m not a big fan of either one, but Rand Paul gave such a naïve answer,” Ed says.

Ed’s comments on the other candidates’ performances include:

  • Jeb Bush – “In my eyes, he got a little bit of a bump – but he looked nervous.”
  • Scott Walker – “I don’t think he had the opportunity to make very many points.”
  • Mike Huckabee – “He’s a good speaker and he had a great closing statement.” (If you don’t remember it, tune in to hear it; it’s a funny one!)
  • Ben Carson – “He’s so, so smart and so intelligent – but he didn’t have enough time to make a big impact.” Ed plays one Carson soundbite that was a big hit, though; tune in to hear what it was!
  • Ted Cruz – “I didn’t hear ‘flat tax’ in there, I didn’t hear ‘seal the border’ and I didn’t hear ‘get rid of the IRS.’ I’ll say he slid up a few notches.”
  • Chris Christie – “No matter how good he is, I can’t forgive the hug.”
  • John Kasich – “He didn’t have enough time.”
  • Marco Rubio – “He came across as young, but he got a few good points.”

Of course, that’s not all. Ed also analyzes the lower-tier “happy hour” debate that happened earlier in the day. Because Ed is a huge fan of Carly Fiorina and has had the privilege of meeting with her, he has some great things to say. “She closed like a leader and a salesperson,” Ed says. “She’s so sharp.”

If you need some humorous, engaging banter on the GOP debate, tune in to The Main Event this week!

Catch Ed Hoffman, host of The Main Event, on air this Saturday at 9:30 a.m. with encore presentations at 9 p.m., and Sunday at 4 p.m. Follow him on Twitter @EdHoffman, and like him on Facebook by searching The Main Event 590.

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