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Tune in to The Main Event this Saturday Morning at 9:30 on AM590

Tune in to The Main Event this Saturday morning at 9:30 on AM590 with host Ed Hoffman as he discusses national current events and politics, with a few mortgage tips along the way. Ed delivers intelligent, entertaining radio that makes hard news easy to understand!

This week, Ed opens the show with comments on the latest developments in Hillary Clinton’s email scandal. As it turns out, Hillary’s private email server – which she used for government emails while she was Secretary of State – was housed in the bathroom closet of a loft apartment in Denver! Reportedly, this firm has strong ties to the Democratic Party. It was also disclosed that the firm’s employees were told to keep the contract with Clinton a secret.

Remember, Hillary has previously said that her servers were at her home in Chappaqua, New York. Remember when she pretended to think that her servers weren’t in danger because the Secret Service guarded her house? She played dumb then, but the un-presidential joke she told this week evoking her Snapchat account was even dumber – and just when you thought it couldn’t get any more ridiculous, she topped herself by asking Fox’s Ed Henry if he was accusing her of wiping her server “like, with a cloth?” Ed has humorous comments on the voters who still support Hillary as this mess keeps growing, and you don’t want to miss out. He also addresses the rumors that Vice President Biden and former Vice President/former presidential candidate Al Gore are teaming up to overthrow Hillary in the race. If you haven’t yet heard this rumor, tune in to get the scoop!

Although Ed is now officially “Trumped-out” from all the media coverage of Donald Trump, he still believes many of Trump’s positions make sense and likes his politically incorrect style. When Trump was lambasted by reporters this week for using the term “anchor babies” and a reporter remarked he should say “an American born child of undocumented immigrants” instead, Ed loved Trump’s flippant response. You’ll hear Trump’s “greatest hits” of the week on the show, and you might find yourself agreeing with him! “He’s starting the right discussion,” Ed says.

Like many voters, Ed is narrowing down his favorite candidates – and although Senator Ted Cruz is now being called “the most underestimated candidate in the field,” Ed just can’t get behind him as a presidential candidate for one reason: “As long as I’ve been alive,” Ed says, “I’ve always known that in order to be President, you have to have been born in the United States.” Referencing the “birther” fuss over President Obama a few years back, Ed believes it’s hypocritical for anyone who questions Obama’s birthplace to give a pass to Ted Cruz. Ed asks, “If it’s okay for Ted Cruz, then what was the big deal about Obama?”

On this week’s show, you’ll also hear about:

  • The Ashley Madison leak, and how the “cheating culture” affects today’s kids
  • What would happen if we drilled for oil on U.S. soil
  • What Ed likes about Carly Fiorina’s foreign policy
  • Sen. Bob Menendez’s (D-NJ) opposition to the Iran nuclear deal

Catch Ed Hoffman, host of The Main Event, on air this Saturday at 9:30 a.m. with encore presentations at 9 p.m., and Sunday at 4 p.m. Follow him on Twitter @EdHoffman, and like him on Facebook by searching The Main Event 590.

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