Friday , September 20 2024
Breaking News

Deadline looms for unclaimed tax refunds in Riverside County

Anyone who owns residential or real estate property in Riverside County has until Aug. 1 to file for unclaimed property tax refunds.

Five hundred and twenty five refunds worth a combined $586,728.78 remain unclaimed, Treasurer-Tax Collector Don Kent said in a statement on the city’s website.

Most of the refunds are the result of value deductions made by the county assessor and are “related to corrections or cancellations to the tax roll after [the] taxes had already been paid,” according to the statement.

Filing instructions, along with a list of all unclaimed property tax refunds for 2012 and before are available at

After Aug. 1, any unclaimed money will be returned to the county’s general fund and can no longer be claimed, according to the statement.

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