Friday , July 26 2024
Breaking News


Choose Who You Will Give To

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By Ed Hoffman On my show last week, I explained why my company and I make an annual commitment to give to the needy during the holidays. In the past, we have put together dozens of food baskets at Thanksgiving; this year, we donated toys to children in the foster …

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Memories Vs. Stuff This Christmas

Boat Club Membership

I will never forget something my grandmother always used to say when articulating what she believed life was all about. She would commonly say that at the end of your life you are left with one thing, a memory bag. She used the imagery of a memory bag that should …

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Time to Move On

Inland Empire news by IE Biz Hub.002

By Ed Hoffman Will the Harvard students participating in “die-in” demonstrations prevent another incident like Ferguson? It’s doubtful. What about displays of solidarity by members of the St. Louis Rams? It’s certainly their constitutional right, but I doubt that local police departments are scrambling to change their rules of engagement …

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How About that Executive Action?


By Ed Hoffman With the stroke of his pen last week, the President of the United States granted 5 million illegal immigrants protection from deportation. If you needed one more provocative dinner topic to make things interesting this Thanksgiving, I suggest looking up from your sweet potatoes, smiling and saying …

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A Guide to Thanksgiving Dinner Debates

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By Ed Hoffman If you’re accustomed to arguing your way through Thanksgiving dinner and you need the latest, greatest hot button issue to bring to the table, here it is: Jonathan Gruber. I’m not talking about quarreling with your relatives over the Affordable Care Act; no matter how you feel …

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The Real Work Begins

Inland Empire Business News 10-15-2014.001

It’s been over one week since the mid-term election, a day when Americans decided to vote for a sweeping change in the balance of power. If you’re a conservative voter, you may have been asked sometime in the past week why you think the so-called Republican wave happened. Here’s how …

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