Friday , July 26 2024
Breaking News


Opportunity is Equal

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Last week, I received an email from a listener of my weekly radio show criticizing my “gushy support” of California gubernatorial candidate Neel Kashkari, who the listener says is a liberal masquerading as a Republican. This accusation is not surprising, as we have seen many Republican candidates receive the label …

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Should we drive off the cliff?

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I had the opportunity to interview California Republican gubernatorial candidate Neel Kashkari again last week, and I sincerely believe that he is the right candidate to move California in the right direction. I encourage and challenge those of you who can do so, to donate to his campaign if you …

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Rekindle all that is American

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I was pretty disappointed with the lackluster commemoration around the nation on the 13th anniversary of 9/11. Because there was very little fanfare, I don’t think people are paying attention – or, maybe they just don’t remember the outrage, sorrow and hurt that struck our nation that fateful day. We …

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We must not forget 9/11

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September 11 is coming up, marking the 13th anniversary of the attacks on the Twin Towers in New York, the Pentagon and United Airlines Flight 93. I think people out there have forgotten about that tragic day, which is troubling. There have been reports on Newsmax that Islamic extremists are …

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I rant, therefore I am

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We live in chaos and we try to control our fear, and the sad thing is that many would prefer to bury your heads in the sand than to address the issue directly. A Harvard law professor, Charles Ogletree, made remarks about the fatal officer-involved shooting of Michael Brown in …

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The racial divide

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Last week the world was horrified by the savage decapitation of American journalist James Foley, which was posted up on YouTube with a message from ISIS that many more American hostages will meet the same fate if the U.S. doesn’t cease air strikes over Iraq. I searched for the video, …

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