Thursday , March 6 2025
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Inland Empire News for March 1-3.001
Inland Empire News for March 1-3.001

Could a conspiracy be percolating?

Ed Hoffman

In discussing current events the goal is to offer clarity, pinpoint what you should keep an eye on and to stimulate your thinking. This week we’ll explore whether there is some conspiracy brewing once we piece the following situations together and look at the bigger picture.

Rancher Clive Bundy has become the brunt of the federal government flexing its muscle as the Bureau of Land Management militantly forced his cows off land they proclaim belongs to them even though his family’s cattle have been grazing off that land in question since the 1870s. The land is situated near the Nevada and Arizona border.

Keep that in mind as you consider the situation in Texas over land along the Red River. The BLM has threatened the property owner’s rights to that land and the case is under review. This particular piece of land the BLM is now reviewing happens to also sit near a border – the Texas / Oklahoma border. Why is the government interested in land near state borders?

The government is laying claim to land near state borders while the Postal Service has issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for large amounts of ammunition. What does the Postal Service need ammunition for? Other government agencies have either procured or are in the process of procuring weapons and ammunition, such as the Department of Agriculture, Homeland Security, FBI and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Granted it makes sense that the Department of Homeland Security would be armed but the NOAA?

We have the government procuring land, weapons and ammunition. Add to that picture veterans who have been professionally trained to use firearms are now under threat of not being allowed their Second Amendment right to bear arms if they pay their bills late. Who hasn’t paid a bill late at one time or another? But if you’re a veteran, legislation is being considered to make it illegal for them to carry a firearm! Add insult to injury, veterans, who risk their lives for their country, will be required to register with the Department of Homeland Security and inform their neighbors they are veterans and may be unstable (due to the stress of war).

How has it come that veterans are being forced to register the way sex offenders are required to? The government reasons veterans suffer from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and therefore have become a threat to their communities. This is outrageous! It gets worse. There is a bill likely to pass the House that would censor war-related movies like Saving Private Ryan because veterans would snap if they watched such “disturbing” movies. Additionally the bill would bar veterans from living near bars and restaurants. Why is this country branding veterans as threats? They are being branded with a Scarlet Letter – is this how the government thanks its heroes?

To recap, we have the government securing land, acquiring weapons, stripping veterans of their right to bear arms if they pay a bill late. Add to the mix that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder announced three months ago that he wants to release “non-violent” felons from prisons early and reinstate their right to vote; this is happening while a bill is stealthily making its way through the House that would amend how the electoral college has operated.

Consider all the above and keep your eyes open to what happens in the following weeks and months. Something seems to be a-brewing and as Americans it is our duty to be mindful and watchful.

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