Monday , March 31 2025
Breaking News

Deadline for Federal Grants Looms

Time is running out to apply for community development block grant funds issued by Wildomar during the 2017-18 program year.

Interested parties have until 5 p.m. Monday to turn in an application, which can be found at, according to a statement.

Wildomar receives some of Riverside County’s block grant funds, which means county procedures are in play when the city decides to accept or reject an application. Three hard-copy, paper applications must be received by the deadline in order to obtain a grant.

To be eligible, a program must meet at least one of several criteria: benefit low or moderate income persons, prevent or eliminate slums or blight or help meet community development needs because of a natural disaster or other emergency, according to the statement.

The funds, often called CDBG funds, are issued by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Typically they’re used to pay for community development programs, including affordable housing and anti-poverty programs.

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