Thursday , March 6 2025
Inland Empire Company Fined for Safety Violations.001
Inland Empire Company Fined for Safety Violations.001

Should we drive off the cliff?

I had the opportunity to interview California Republican gubernatorial candidate Neel Kashkari again last week, and I sincerely believe that he is the right candidate to move California in the right direction. I encourage and challenge those of you who can do so, to donate to his campaign if you don’t want to see this state fall deeper into disarray. He has an impressive financial background that will benefit constituents. His vision to rebuild California is clear: create more jobs, provide incentives for new companies (especially manufacturing businesses) and improve the infrastructure of the school system. I fully endorse Neel Kashkari for governor.

My friend Scott McAfee, owner of Don’s Bicycles, joined me on my radio show last week and we discussed the impetus behind creating his satirical video about the situation between Israel and Hamas. We are both amazed by how very little the public is aware that Hamas is terrorizing Israel, and shocked by how many Jewish people continue to support President Obama when he refuses to stand by Israel. He won’t even admit that ISIS is actually Islamic, or that they identify themselves as a state.

Why I continue to be outspoken about my political beliefs is because the days of political correctness are over, and we owe it to the thousands of men and women of service who paid the ultimate sacrifice for too many to remain oblivious, to refuse to remain silent. There is a duty to always remember those sacrifices, and to remember 9/11. We as a nation were shocked by that fateful day, but I think too many people have forgotten the magnitude of that attack. As this administration sits idly by while ISIS is gaining power and momentum in the Middle East, we shouldn’t be surprised when another attack occurs on our homeland.

What scares me is that 18-year-olds will be casting their votes in November who were merely 5 years old when 9/11 happened. I doubt many of them remember the attacks, much less anything else at that age; that is why it is crucially important to remind them, as well as younger generations, about the day that America stood in solidarity, lest years later 9/11 be called into question in the same way the Holocaust is today.

Hillary Clinton was in Iowa on Sunday, Sept. 14, and during her visit Iowa Senator Tom Harkin poorly delivered a joke intended to mock Republicans. The only thing anyone needs to know about elections, Harkin maintains, is what you would learn in driver’s ed: If you want to move forward, put the car in D; if you want to go backwards, shift to R. Isn’t that perfect. Here’s my take: We are parked facing the edge of a cliff, and if we as a nation want to save ourselves, we should wisely put the car in R – but if we choose to plummet into a bottomless pit, we can mindlessly put the car in D.

Ed Hoffman is the host of the Main Event on AM590 which airs Saturday 9:30AM- 10:30AM and Sunday 4:00PM- 5:00PM.

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