Tuesday , March 11 2025
Inland Empire News for April 2.001
Inland Empire News for April 2.001

Global warmism is settled science?

Global warmism is settled science – oh I am sorry – climate whatever – and we are debating whether or not the California business climate sucks?

Did anybody in Sacramento or in the liberal media notice the huge economic glacier that just broke off the quickly melting economic glacier known as the State of Calitaxyou?

Toyota, one of the most successful companies in the world, just gave California the middle digit. And good for Toyota. The management at Toyota is making a good business decision. Their employees, and perhaps even more importantly their pensioners, will do much better economically thanks to the move.

Moving to a lower tax state like Texas means they get to keep more of their hard earned money. Toyota made the right move. California is like the dude who lost his job, doesn’t make much of an effort to get a new one, and then dumped by his hot girlfriend; is shocked and says he didn’t want her anyway to his friends. (Not even your friends are buying it dude.)

California is rapidly becoming a national embarrassment. Even its peers are laughing at it. Governor Rick Perry of Texas is now with the hottie (Toyota) and Governor Jerry Brown is picking the sand out of his spectacles and underpants as the new power couple sashays away.

Meanwhile the Hollywood sign is getting fitted for skates so it can appear quickly wherever actual movie-making is going on, as in Louisiana or Toronto. Last year (according to an industry source) one major film (meaning $80 million or more in budget) was shot in California. (SIGH)

Research by public policy issue advocate Travis H. Borwon provides the evidence that California is indeed melting (or bleeding out). Between 1992 and 2011 California lost $46.3 billion in adjusted gross income because of the wealth flight from California to lower tax states. We are losing the wealthy and productive citizens to other states and are keeping the poorest and least productive.

As the Major German General says in one of my favorite movies (PATTON) while the bunker shakes and they are burning documents as the Russians and Allies close in – DAS IS ZEE END ZEE END.

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