Saturday , September 7 2024
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Inland university graduates 130 med students

Inland university graduates 130 med students

The California University of Science and Medicine in Colton recently graduated 130 medical students in the traditional “white coat” ceremony that marked the end of the 2023-’24 academic year.

Ninety-eight percent of those graduates are from California, and 31 percent are from the Inland Empire, according to a statement on the school’s website.

Besides receiving a white medical coat, each graduate took the Hippocratic Oath, in which they swore to share knowledge during their medical career, to help the ill and to never cause harm to a patient.

“While the white coat ceremony is imbued with tradition, it is also an acceptance of the responsibilities that come with being a physician,” said Dr. Paul Lyons, president and dean of the university, in the statement. “The white coat, along with the Hippocratic Oath, is a commitment to the ethical practice of medicine and a commitment to one’s patients and community.”

The CUSM was founded in 2015, and it welcomed its first class three years later. 

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