Thursday , March 6 2025
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Ed Hoffman.001
Ed Hoffman.001

Lies, Lies and more lies

We finally have a smoking gun in the Benghazi tragedy that warrants further investigation, and more importantly, the impeachment of President Obama. As Judge Jeanine Pirro strongly states, “We have impeached a president for lying about sex with an intern, a president resigned in light of certain impeachment for covering up a burglary, so why wouldn’t we impeach this president for not protecting and defending Americans in the bloodbath known as Benghazi?”

This is the biggest cover up since Watergate. The Democrats don’t feel that further investigation into the tragedy is warranted; I disagree. We have the right to know what happened that led to the deaths of four Americans. Why were repeated requests from the ambassador for increased security ignored? How was the attack “spontaneous” as the White House proclaimed if the terrorists were armed with heavy artillery and rocket propelled grenades? Why was the American flag the last flag flying in the designated danger zone when other embassies had already left? These are questions that definitely need to be answered. Democrats, on the other hand, are “satisfied” with the explanation that the attack was rooted in an Internet video. There are four dead Americans! And to this day not one single person has been brought to justice, even though our president steadfastly told us from behind his podium that justice will be served. We’re still waiting. We want to know the truth!

I’m not surprised that Benghazi is a cover up, but I am surprised by how many Americans actually bought the story. It bothers me that the ambassador was abandoned there without any protection, while Hillary Clinton trots around the globe dancing at dinner parties. Americans in Benghazi asked for more security, but what was she doing? Dancing? This should bother everybody, and it’ll all come out. Let’s get engaged and pay attention to what’s going on.

Over 300 girls were kidnapped in Nigeria. This has caused outrage in this country. Has anybody seen Obama? Is he hiding, too scared to emerge in light of all that’s been happening lately to face reporters in case they ask him questions that he can’t answer and looks more like an idiot? Hillary Clinton pipes in to proclaim that the “seizure of these young women by the radical extremist group is abominable, criminal and an act of terrorism.” When she was urged to declare the Boko Haram group a terrorist organization so that funding would cease, she failed to do so. Could it be because it would reflect poorly on her stint as Secretary of State because there still exists a terrorist group that was not under our control? She made some nonsensical statement about the Nigerian kidnapping being a perfect storm of all issues concerning girls around the world. Is she really the most qualified person to succeed Obama? We are in trouble if you make the mistake of voting for her. We need someone in the Office with some brains, which we haven’t had over the past six years.

Not downplaying the kidnapping of the Nigerian girls, but these are Nigerian girls, in Nigeria, kidnapped by Nigerian terrorists from a Nigerian school. Three congresswomen demanded that this country spare no resources to bring the (Boko Haram) terrorist thugs to justice. Our resources? How about the American Marine who was recently imprisoned in Mexico when he inadvertently crossed the California / Mexico border when he took a wrong turn? 25-year-old Marine Corps Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi is charged with possession of firearms – he had three legally registered firearms in his vehicle. If convicted, the Marine who was diagnosed with PTSD and receiving treatment at the VA hospital in San Diego, faces up to 21 years in prison. Where is the outrage?

His mother is urgently pleading to the government to help free her son. His first few days in prison he was in general population and almost killed his second day in the courtyard. He fled and scaled the corrugated steel barbed wire fence narrowly escaping the men who wanted to kill him. He was captured again and was then shackled for 30 days to a bed. Why is there no outrage over the fate of this American soldier? Why aren’t we doing anything about it? Is it a racist issue? Do we not care about white people now? This is outrageous!

Be mindful. Be watchful. Pay attention to what’s happening around you.

Ed Hoffman is the host of the Main Event on AM590 which airs Saturday 9:30AM- 10:30AM and Sunday 4:00PM- 5:00PM.

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