Thursday , March 6 2025
Ed Hoffman.001
Ed Hoffman.001

Opportunity is Equal

Last week, I received an email from a listener of my weekly radio show criticizing my “gushy support” of California gubernatorial candidate Neel Kashkari, who the listener says is a liberal masquerading as a Republican. This accusation is not surprising, as we have seen many Republican candidates receive the label of “Republican in Name Only,” also known as “RINO,” over the past few years: Mitt Romney, Chris Christie and others. But just as I did on my radio show Saturday, I’d like to respond to this listener and those who may be inclined to criticize me as he did.

We have two choices on Nov. 4: to vote for an old idiot who continues to put our children last and impose excruciating regulations on us as citizens, or to vote for a younger, smarter candidate who puts California’s children first. Like many smart voters who regard themselves as conservative, I know Kashkari is the better choice over our current Governor Moonbeam. I’m not suggesting that he’s the perfect choice – but honestly, a perfect choice is something that may not even exist. If you are a Republican or tea partier who believes that no one is conservative enough for you, please remember: We have a bunch of idiots in California who vote based on what Jon Stewart says anyway. Kashkari will move California in the right direction; Jerry Brown will continue to allow illegal immigrants to flood our state, keep imposing unnecessary environmental regulations on us and all in all, flush us down the toilet.

Domestic Terrorism is Here

For those of you who argued with me that domestic terrorism won’t happen, I reiterate to you again this week that it has. In the past two weeks, there have been two more attacks by Muslims with extremist views against innocent Americans. First, Ali Muhammed Brown murdered a 19-year-old college student and exemplary son in protest of air strikes in Iraq; then last Thursday, Alton Nolen of Oklahoma, who had unsuccessfully tried to convert his coworkers to Islam, beheaded 54-year-old Colleen Hufford. I’m more than enraged that in the United States of America, people are being savagely murdered in the name of Allah – and no matter your religious affiliation, you should be too.

Injecting Race at the UN

Last year, Joe Biden mocked Mitt Romney’s declaration that it was a mistake to end the war in Afghanistan and bring all our warriors home. Surprise, surprise: Mitt Romney was right. One year later, President Obama delivered a speech in front of the United Nations to make a case for an anti-terrorist operation in Syria and Iraq.

With the global community’s rapt attention, our illustrious leader took advantage of his stint on the soapbox to inject race into his UN speech by mentioning the fatal officer-involved shooting of Michael Brown. As we all know, that story took a racial turn very quickly, with the likes of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder reacting solidly in protest of the “racism” in this country.

But where is this trio now? Why aren’t they condemning the crime committed by Ali Muhammed Brown, a black Muslim who murdered a white teenager? What about the alleged abduction of white college student Hannah Graham by black suspect Jesse Matthew? So, where is the outcry from Sharpton, Jackson and Holder now? Has reverse racism become the appropriate culture?

Whether it’s white on black or black on white, there are no more excuses for racially motivated crimes. Equal opportunity clearly exists in this country.

Ed Hoffman is the host of the Main Event on AM590 which airs Saturday 9:30AM- 10:30AM and Sunday 4:00PM- 5:00PM.

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