Monday , March 31 2025
Breaking News

Palm Springs issues mask order

Palm Springs has ordered its essential businesses to make their employees and patrons wear face coverings throughout the COVID-19 epidemic.

The order, issued Monday, reinforces an identical order issued by Riverside County, according to a statement on the city’s website.

All businesses must post signs explaining the requirement to people before they enter a business. A face covering can include a bandana or scarf.

During the next few days, city officials will begin an awareness program to educate residents and business owners about the importance of wearing a face covering inside a business.

“We are taking this seriously,” said Chief of Police Bryan Reyes in the statement. “Palm Springs worked hard early on to get ahead of the virus and flatten the curve, but if residents and businesses become complacent, we will find ourselves in a terrible situation that did not need to happen and lives may be lost. Everyone must wear a face covering — and violators may be fined.”

Size of the fine was not reported.

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