Wednesday , March 12 2025
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City Reaches Solar Power Agreement
City Reaches Solar Power Agreement

Palm Springs solar power efforts acknowledged

Palm Springs has been recognized for promoting solar power.

The city received a gold designation from the National SolSmart Program, which is overseen by the The Solar Foundation and the International City/County Management Association and funded by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Solar Energies Technologies Office, according to a statement on the city’s website.

Jay Virata, the city’s community and economic development director, presented the city council with plaque acknowledging the designation during the July 18 council meeting.

Palm Springs was credited for “ taking bold steps to encourage solar energy growth and remove obstacles to solar development,” according to the statement.

More than 200 cities and counties have received a SolSmart designation since the program began two years ago. Municipal governments must reduce the time and expense it takes to install a  solar energy system in order to receive that designation.

“We are honored that the SolSmart program has recognized Palm Springs for our many solar actions,” City Manager David H. Ready said in the statement. “This recognition is a further demonstration of the city’s commitment to producing clean energy and becoming a model carbon-free community.”

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