Thursday , March 6 2025

Recapping the RNC

By Ed Hoffman

As I tell my radio listeners week after week, paying attention to politics is critical. Hopefully, you’re just as plugged into the conventions as I am – but if not, here’s a quick recap of the Republican National Convention this week.

  • Monday night, Rudy Giuliani reminded us what we could have had if we hadn’t driven him out of the presidential election in 2008. Rudy was fiery, passionate and incredibly effective when it came to telling America that Donald Trump “is a good man” and he is “sick and tired of the media defamation of Donald Trump by the media and the Clinton campaign.” He also called out Barack Obama for failing to call America’s enemy what it is: radical Islamic terror. Rounding it out were his profound words on the police: “They don’t ask if you’re black or white…they just come! To save you!” Incredible.
  • Also on Monday night, Melania Trump made an eloquent speech and looked great doing it – but all the media wanted to talk about were a few similarities to Michelle Obama’s DNC speech in 2004. They know full well Obama and Biden have both stolen speeches before; it only matters this time because it’s the wife of the Republican nominee.
  • Tuesday night, the Trump kids made their appearances and now everyone wants Donald Trump Jr. to one day run for office. Sounds great to me, but let’s get his dad over the line first. One thing I was especially impressed with was Don Jr.’s criticism of Dodd-Frank. As a mortgage lender, I say it all the time: That legislation has made lending money more expensive than ever, and it hurts the very people it was designed to help. If Trump is ever able to do something about it, it would benefit Americans enormously.
  • Also on Tuesday night, Speaker Paul Ryan showed he’s ready to promote party unity – and on Wednesday night, Ted Cruz (AKA The Biggest Loser) showed that he isn’t. When the delegates booed him offstage, it was clear whose side they were on.
  • Back to Tuesday night: Chris Christie held a mock trial onstage of Hillary Clinton and the crowd loved it. I’m with them: “Lock her up!”
  • Wednesday night, Vice Presidential nominee Mike Pence appeared and yes, he’s still boring. But maybe the larger-than-life Trump needs boring in order to strike the right balance with voters.
  • Thursday night, Trump brought it all home; of course, it was patriotic and inspiring.

See you next week for the Democratic National Convention, which will be its own kind of inspiring – in other words, it might inspire you to vomit.

Ed Hoffman is host of The Main Event on AM590, which airs Saturday 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM and Sunday 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM. Follow him on Twitter @EdHoffman, and like him on Facebook by searching The Main Event 590.

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