Thursday , March 6 2025
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Inland Empire Braces for 2014.001
Inland Empire Braces for 2014.001

Report: ACA has helped insure more people

A study released Monday praises the Affordable Care Act for bringing affordable health care to millions of people, but stressed that more can be done to improve overall health care coverage.

The report, by Health Access, a California consumer advocacy group that focuses on health care, was released on the fifth anniversary of the landmark public policy legislation better known as Obamacare.

It noted that approximately four million people in California who previously had no medical insurance now have coverage, either through the expanded Medi-Cal program or Covered California, the state insurance exchange that administers the program.

The study found several shortcomings in the ACA . It called for an improvement Medi-Cal to make it easier to access coverage through that program, and it recommended extending coverage to the state’s estimated 2.6 million undocumented residents.

President Obama signed the ACA into law in 2010. The act’s main provision is that all U.S. residents must be covered by some health insurance plan or be fined.

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