Wednesday , March 12 2025
Breaking News
San Bernardino County battles fentanyl addiction

San Bernardino County battles fentanyl addiction

San Bernardino County is trying to raise awareness about fentanyl addiction.

The Department of Behavioral Health has started a campaign, “Fentanyl Doesn’t Care. But We Do,” in response to a recent rise in overdoses and poisonings associated with the drug, according to a statement on the county’s website.

The department has joined Stop the Void and the INTO LIGHT Project to develop a media campaign that will target parts of the county with a high rate of fentanyl overdoses.

Young adults and at-risk underserved communities will be emphasized.

“There is a misperception that fentanyl only affects drug addicts when in reality, it’s affecting a broad segment of our community,” said Supervisor Dawn Rowe in the statement. “This campaign will help shed light on the reality of the fentanyl crisis and help us save lives.”

Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that is up to 50 times stronger than heroin, according to the statement.

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One comment

  1. I got a dear friend who does fitnal allday long a girl I tryed to change her bye not doing it nonore no she says one day she will I don’t like that she’s does it I keep telling her it will kill her one day not trying to hear it I don’t do it never will.i jus got to keep trying is all I can do for her.a nice rehab free rehab place will do.but wants me to go I said I can’t then again I’m a user as well jus not fitnal .but I’m willing to give it a shot for her to stay clean is there anyone that has a free rehab for addicts like us n the i.e thank u God bless

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