Wednesday , March 12 2025
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Innovation Awards
Innovation Awards

SB County honors health-conscious residents

The San Bernardino County County Board of Supervisors on Wednesday gave out 56 Vision2BActive Awards, a new program designed to improve health and wellness in the county.

“We are proud to celebrate the efforts of our fellow neighbors, friends and coworkers who are meeting the challenge to stay active, whether they’ve started a walking group at work or run a 5K race for the first time,” Chairman Robert Lovingood said in the statement.

Among the “Action Heroes” honored were a dance instructor who teaches blind dance and zumba, a Redlands police officer who helped develop a CrossFit Gym in his community and a student who developed a health program that is now used by his school district were among those honored.

The Vision2BActive campaign is part of a county effort to get county residents to exercise more and connect them with recreational activities in their neighborhood.

Only 24 percent of San Bernardino County adults, and 34 percent of its youth, get the recommended amount of physical activity, a recent study by the California Health Interview Survey reported.

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