Saturday , September 7 2024
Breaking News

State, Inland region post small population gains

California’s population grew slightly in 2023, the first time in three years the state has posted a year-over-year population gain.

The state’s population grew by a little more than 67,000 residents, to 39.1 million, the California Department of Finance reported recently.

That 0.17 percent increase is the result of a drop in the death rate and an increase in foreign immigration. It was also helped by a drop in the number of California residents leaving the state and the number of people moving here from other parts of the country.

“With immigration processing backlogs largely eliminated and deaths returning to long-term trends, a stable foundation for continued growth has returned,” the report states. “As net domestic migration has receded to its lower rates of the 2010s, California is likely to experience slower but positive growth for the near future.

The Inland Empire also posted a modest population gain in 2023.

Riverside County’s population went up 0.6 percent, to 2.4 million, while San Bernardino County rose from 2.17 million 2.18 million residents, a 0.4 percent increase, the finance department reported.

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