Wednesday , March 12 2025
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Stop using the racist card, take accountability!

By Ed Hoffman

Racism, racism, racism. There were many stories in the media last week where people were throwing out the race card. If people question one’s leadership, then the person questioning must be a racist. If you don’t have the answers to questions people pose to you then I guess you can just pull the race card. People claim discrimination whenever they can’t come up with valid answers – give me a break!

Attitude reflects leadership and it trickles down and affects everybody. People say to ignore the negative news, but why? Are those people ignorant or apathetic? The public needs to be educated as to the goings on in their government, nation and world.

Lois Lerner pled her 5th Amendment right in regards to her allegedly discriminating against non-profit organizations’ applications for 501(c) 3 and 4 status. She heads the IRS department that oversees those applications and she seemed to be targeting Patriot, Tea Party or anything reflecting Republican conservatism, putting them on the back burner and giving them added scrutiny.

The oversight committee decided to hold her in contempt for not testifying, and now the decision is headed to the House. The Democrats suggest giving her immunity so that she talks, but why? If that happens, the woman responsible can’t be incriminated and she gets away scot-free.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder testified before the House last Thursday and engaged in a charged banter with Rep. Louie Gohmert, R-Texas, who brought up his failure for turning over certain documents linked to the Fast and Furious scandal and his being held in contempt two years ago. Gohmert accused Holder of not considering contempt a big deal, and that the government does deserve proper oversight.

This should infuriate you: that the Attorney General of this country doesn’t feel that he is required to turn over certain documents and acts as if he’s above the law. If it doesn’t anger you then you should check for a pulse. Holder accused congressional critics of launching “unprecedented, unwarranted, ugly and divisive” attacks on him and the Obama administration during a speech to the National Action Network, a group funded by Rev. Al Sharpton in New York last Wednesday. He’s throwing out the race card that he and Obama are being questioned and held accountable for their ineffectiveness, and without valid reason, Holder accuses those of racism.

Baseball legend Hank Aaron, 80, who celebrated his 40th anniversary of beating Babe Ruth’s homerun record last week, was quoted in USA Today that racism is still rampant in this country and instead of Whites wearing hoods, they’re dressed in neckties and starched shirts. The racist remarks were unnecessary, and we need to stop with all the racist rhetoric and get on with being Americans and being ourselves!

George Foreman is an example of a class act. In an interview following his last bout to Shannon Briggs, Larry Merchant asked Foreman how he felt about his defeat when clearly he should have been the victor. Foreman responded that he’s not going to be childish and all that counts is tomorrow. Briggs had a hard life and if the victory can help him then he’s happy for him. Foreman refuses to whine about his loss and will go on to the next match, or the next game. The importance is to focus on tomorrow because yesterday is gone. “Pursue excellence as long as you want, not when other people say.”

There’s been so much racism in the news this week, and I don’t like the president not because he’s black but because he’s incompetent. He’s a moron and doesn’t understand how the economy works. What are we teaching our kids with all this lack of accountability?

We are crippling our kids by teaching race lessons. We should teach them to be adults; responsible and accountable so they can be successful. Our job is not to be friends with our kids, but to teach them to be responsible adults so that they can take care of themselves, and take care of their kids. Once they get closer to that point we can be friends. They need to be raised to become responsible and competent adults.

Switching gears to energy independence: In 2006 a discovery was made in the Rocky Mountains that held the largest untapped oil reserve in the world – nearly 2 trillion barrels worth. Why hasn’t extraction yet taken place? Because of the environmentalists who have blocked all efforts for this country to become energy independent. How can one small group dictate our quality of life? This is why the rest of the world is surpassing us.

Ed Hoffman is the host of the Main Event on AM590 which airs Saturday 9:30AM- 10:30AM and Sunday 4:00PM- 5:00PM.

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