Thursday , March 13 2025
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Time to Tell the Truth

By Ed Hoffman

As I said on my show last week, I am finally beginning to question the religious beliefs of the President of the United States. I know that’s not a new phenomenon; everyone knows someone who wasn’t sure if the President was a Christian, as he has long claimed. But now that we have seen the worst atrocities yet committed in the name of Allah – and, the President has embarked on yet another strategic apology campaign for the United States, telling the Muslim world at every opportunity that America knows Islam is a great religion of peace – well, it seems like the tides are turning. In other words, it feels like it may finally be safe to say publicly that you question whether the President is really a Christian. Maybe, just maybe, it might even be safe to say publicly that you suspect he is more than just fond of Islam…if you know what I mean. See, I’m still not saying it! Draw your own conclusion.

Think about it: We saw a Jordanian pilot burned alive in a cage this week by ISIS. Well, maybe you didn’t see it; I couldn’t watch it, and I know many others couldn’t either. But we know it happened – and apparently, a month ago. So what did our President do in response to this, when addressing the nation at the annual National Prayer Breakfast? Rather than focusing on the virtues of Christianity, our President took it upon himself to lecture Americans on the ills Christianity committed 1,000 years ago during the Crusades. He wagged his finger at Christians for acts committed 1,000 years ago, when Islamic terror is murdering people all over the world right now, in 2015. Unbelievable.

Did he condemn the atrocities? Sure, I suppose. He mentioned some of them, but refused to attribute them to Islam; instead, he attributed them to “ISIL, a brutal, vicious death cult that, in the name of religion, carries out unspeakable acts of barbarism.” In other words, he is lining up lockstep with what his aides have been saying on the Sunday news shows for months: ISIL isn’t “real” Islam, despite the fact that it has “Islamic” in its name. Enough already.

Peaceful Muslims exist; for the last time, we know that! But if the President wants us to believe he really is a Christian, he may want to stop condemning Christianity every chance he gets. For example, he may not want to accuse Christians of “being so full of yourself and so confident that you are right” at the National Prayer Breakfast. If he stops doing that and starts calling Islamic terror what it actually is, maybe we can start to believe him.

Ed Hoffman is the host of the Main Event on AM590, which airs Saturday at 9:30 AM and Sunday at 4:00 PM. Follow him on Twitter @EdHoffman, and like him on Facebook by searching The Main Event AM590.

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