Friday , March 14 2025

Tune in to The Main Event this Saturday Morning at 9:30 on AM590

Tune in to The Main Event this Saturday morning at 9:30 on AM590 with host Ed Hoffman as he discusses national current events and politics, with a few mortgage tips along the way. Ed delivers intelligent, entertaining radio that makes hard news easy to understand!

This week Ed welcomes author, syndicated columnist and conservative icon Ann Coulter to the show. Ann has just released her eleventh book, “Adios America: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country Into a Third World Hellhole.” It’s already on the New York Times bestseller list and as all Ann Coulter books do, this one is already stirring up controversy. Whether or not you agree with her hard right politics and frank delivery, you don’t want to miss this interview! In her testy back-and-forth with Ed, Ann will address who she believes are the only two Republican presidential candidates that aren’t “total disasters” – tune in to find out who they are! Ed is sponsoring a promotional event for Ann’s book at the Doubletree Inn in Ontario on July 9; you can find out more about it at

Next, Ed welcomes his favorite local guest, Scott McAfee from Don’s Bicycles in Redlands. Ed and Scott start by discussing Jeb Bush’s official campaign launch this week, playing audio from the speech and providing analysis. Tune in to find out what issue Ed caught Jeb’s flip-flop on, and to hear his overall feelings on the candidate that has been called the “most viable” for the Republican nomination – and, find out what Jeb Bush added to his speech that wasn’t in the official transcript!

Moving on to Donald Trump, who also announced his candidacy this week – one that many people fail to take seriously, and Ed believes that’s a mistake. “There’s a lot to be said for all the business savvy that Donald Trump has,” Ed says, “and I want a President that inspires me. If he stays in, I could see myself voting for him.” After Scott does a fun Trump impression, Ed plays audio from the announcement speech and they provide analysis. Tune in to hear why you may want to give Trump a second thought, no matter how humorous his public image is – and to hear the serious portions of his announcement speech, since much of the media wants to focus on the trivial parts.

Catch Ed Hoffman, host of The Main Event, on air this Saturday at 9:30 a.m. with encore presentations at 9 p.m., and Sunday at 4 p.m. Follow him on Twitter @EdHoffman, and like him on Facebook by searching The Main Event 590.

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