Wednesday , March 12 2025
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Ed Hoffman.001

Tune in to The Main Event

Tune in to The Main Event this Saturday morning at 9:30 on AM 590 with host Ed Hoffman as he discusses national, regional and local current events, as well as trends in the local real estate market with unique, witty and irreverent flair.

Real Estate:
Advice offered to homeowners regarding home equity lines of credit and means for eliminating mortgage insurance. In addition, Ed offers information for those interested in purchasing investment property and realistic returns on investment.

Malaysian Airlines Flight 370:
How could it be possible that the aircraft landed in the Indian Ocean as reported in the media? Ed divulges his theory as to how that is not plausible.

Holly Lobby Contraceptive Case:
The Supreme Court began hearing arguments Tuesday in the latest challenge to the Obama health care overhaul, and Ed explores whether plaintiff Holly Lobby Inc., a for-profit company owned by conservative Christians, has a valid case.

Obama Overseas:
Ed criticizes First Lady Michelle Obama’s lack of courtesy during her recent trip to China. In addition, Ed examines whether the Secret Service agents sent home for intoxication in the Netherlands had the right to become inebriated while off duty.

President Obama recently stated during the Nuclear Summit that the U.S. cannot be complacent, yet, Ed points out that Obama is downsizing the military. Furthermore, Ed disagrees with Obama’s claim that Russia is merely a regional power, and will explain how Russia is doing to this country what former President Reagan did to Russia in the ‘80s in terms of military and oil. Ed is not “rootin’ for Putin,” but he delivers a strong case about becoming energy dependent and the numerous ways Americans’ quality of life will improve.

Was Mitt Romney Right?:
Ed delves into the validity of a statement Mitt Romney delivered during a 2012 presidential debate with Obama in which he claimed Russia is a geopolitical foe and that Iran is the greatest national security threat the U.S. faces. Ed also criticizes Obama for mocking Romney, and for the steady stream of hollow statements he made then and continues to make.

Leland Yee:
State Sen. Leland Yee (D-San Francisco) was arrested for alleged conspiracy to deal firearms without a license and illegally import firearms. Ed highlights the irony since Yee has always declared himself anti-guns, and colorfully reflects upon how Democrats are eliminating themselves from office.

Catch Ed Hoffman, host of The Main Event, on air this Saturday at 9:30 a.m. and 9 p.m., and Sunday at 4 p.m.

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