Friday , March 14 2025

Durham named Temecula police chief

Chris Durham, a 22-year veteran of the Riverside County Sheriff’s Department, has been named Temecula’s police chief.

A captain, Durham replaces Zachary Hall, who has been promoted to chief deputy of the sheriff’s department, according to a statement on the city’s website.

Durham is scheduled to take over his new job Nov. 17.

“Zachary Hall has been an outstanding asset to the City of Temecula and an exceptional leader of public safety with innovative zero-tolerance policing initiatives that have served our City well,” said Temecula City Manager Aaron Adams in the statement. “I am confident his successor, Captain Chris Durham, will fit in nicely with Temecula’s leadership culture.”

Durham began his law enforcement career in 2001 as a deputy in Moreno Valley. He served as sergeant at the Southwest Justice Center until he was promoted to lieutenant in 2019. In his new position he will be captain of the department’s Southwest Station, according to the statement.

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  1. How the heck do these people get elected with no voting??!!
    Chad Bianco got reelected for six years with no vote! 😡😡😡😡
    All these guys and keep getting elected are all buddies we probably need somebody in these positions that really give a shit because all these guys care about is their pockets.

  2. I have had an excellent experience with the Temecula Sheriff’s on what I perceive on combatting what I call domestic terrorism. That’s a big compliment coming from the critic herself. We have to take the power back. Captain Durham please be a mentor to the Captain over at Hemet Station they need extra help as their officers violate victims rights and need an audit. Congrats on the promotion you have a fine team and I’m sure you will obey the laws and do law enforcement the way it should be done. As for Chad TskTsk. I had heard that there was nobody qualified for the position it’s a default thing. I believe that he may still have those Oath Keepers views based on my experience with Hemet Sheriff’s. Clean it up guys there are homeless woman being murdered and abused and from what the people say on the streets you are allowing it. I have evidence of them allowing my abuser to go FREE and did little to nothing to protect me. Instead I became more of a target for speaking out. I challenged Chad to come speak to me. Everytime I have filed a complaint or called in to speak to someone they avoid me. Why is the Hemet Sheriff’s not following protocol based on state, federal and or dept. policy. I have evidence. Get it together Hemet and stop wasting tax payers money on covering up what I label as domestic terrorism. The fact that you get grants to hush people like me up isn’t working. DO YOUR JOB LIKE TEMECULA. Despite all the attempts to smear my name and target me I STILL SHINE!

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