Saturday , September 7 2024
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Palm Springs affordable housing project gets state grant

Passenger traffic breaks records at Palm Springs

Palm Springs International Airport broke pre-pandemic passenger records in November, the sixth consecutive month the airport accomplished that feat.

Passenger count for the eleventh month of 2021 was 271,944, a 151.7 percent increase over November 2020, according to a statement.

Previously, the record passenger count for November was in 2018, when 245,841 travelers passed through the airport. Airport officials did not expect passenger numbers to reach pre-pandemic levels until early 2023.
Palm Springs International recently added two airlines and is scheduled to add a third this month. It’s the only Southern California airport to have added flights since the pandemic began, according to the statement.

Thanksgiving 2021 was also busy. Departing passenger counts increased more than 25 percent year-over-year, and the Sunday of Thanksgiving weekend was the busiest single day for Palm Springs International since the pandemic began.

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