Monday , March 31 2025
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Inland Empire Political News.001

Silliness in District Attorney’s Race

For a second week in a row, the headlines in the race for San Bernardino County District Attorney have been focused on non-issue matters.

District Attorney Mike Ramos’ campaign appears fixated on campaign donors and ballot statement technicalities of opponent, Deputy District Attorney Grover Merritt.

Last week, we took a look at the grandstanding and intimidation tactics of Ramos consultant David Ellis as he whined loudly about Merritt donors. This week, it was the San Bernardino County Public Attorney’s Association, of which Merritt was once president, stomping its feet over Merritt’s ballot statement. Merritt, in his accomplishments, listed his Presidency of the Union and the current President complained that it didn’t specifically say “past” president.

So, the first two active weeks of the campaign, the newspapers focused on side shows.

No mention yet of San Bernardino County’s increased crime rate? No discussion of the County’s rating as the worst gang crime region in California? These and a number of other truly important matters that actually affect the quality of life in San Bernardino County aren’t yet up for discussion. And that is just how the Ramos campaign wants it.

For those who haven’t been paying attention, San Bernardino County’s crime rate is rising. Mike Ramos ally Governor Brown, has been releasing violent criminals back out onto our streets. Our Gang Crime rate went from 3rd highest in California to number one in the last three years. Murders in the City of San Bernardino are now occurring in broad daylight.

Then there is the operation of the District Attorney’s office itself, with accusations of cronyism, misconduct, and low employee morale.

But, don’t look there. The real issues for the Ramos campaign are the addition of a single word to Grover Merritt’s ballot statement.

Fortunately, the real issues for voters will soon be at the forefront of the campaign for District Attorney. Voters will have a clear choice on issues that actually affect their lives. Those issues will not bode well for County incumbents across the board.

But then again, maybe the District Attorney’s campaign will refocus on Big Foot sightings or the Loch Ness Monster next.

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