Monday , March 31 2025
Breaking News

Volunteers Sought for Advisory Groups

Riverside is looking for volunteers to fill vacancies on several of the boards and commissions that help shape city policy on various issues.

Eleven of Riverside’s 14 advisory panels – airport commission, police review commission, cultural heritage board, commission on disabilities, human resources board, board of library trustees, mayor’s commission on aging, park and recreation commission, planning commission, public utilities board and transportation board – have one to four vacancies, according to a statement posted on the city’s website.

Those empty seats correspond to one of Riverside’s seven city council districts. Board and commission members serve four-year terms and are restricted to two terms.

“Most of the vacancies happened because people were term-limited out of office,” City Clerk Colleen J. Nicol said.

To be appointed, an applicant must get at least five votes from the mayor and seven-member council. A 4-4 vote is considered a rejection.

About 20 to 30 people are expected to apply. Ideally, an applicant should have some background relating to the panel they wish to serve on – a former librarian on the library board, for example – although anyone is welcome to apply if they live in the correct ward.

New board and commission members will take office March 1.

Deadline to apply is Nov. 14. For an application, or more information, call the city clerk’s office at (951) 826-5557 or visits

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