Friday , July 26 2024
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Business Advice

How to Get & Keep More From the Sale or Transfer of Your Business

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By Edward L. Fixen It’s very interesting that most business owners do not hesitate to invest in insurance to protect their personal and business assets, yet don’t make the nominal investment to develop an exit/succession plan that protects a business owner’s greatest asset, the value of their business when it …

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Never waste a wrong number


By Tim Kolacz In my business, I meet a bunch of different people in an astonishing large amount of different industries. When I meet someone, and the small talk begins, I like to tell a bit of a story. This works out typically pretty well and soon enough, we can …

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Be Careful with Wording Added to a Lease

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By Rick Lazar Take care to understand exactly what you are agreeing to before you sign a lease. Certain “assumed to be” innocuous written statements inserted into a lease agreement can have significant legal implications. Several years ago I was contacted by a property owner who wanted my company to …

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10,000 Boomers a Day Hit 65: What This Means for Exit Planning

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By Michael K. Menerey 10,000 baby boomers are turning 65 years old daily, reports the Pew Research Center. Many of these boomers are small business owners, meaning there will likely be a surge of closely-held businesses coming onto the market for sale over the next several years. If you are …

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Investing with Other People’s Money

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By Kraig Strom In my business, I coach quite a few property owners – people who, understandably, are always in need of real estate loans. But no matter what your business is, there’s a good chance you may need to take out a real estate loan at some point; or, …

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Business Advice Q&A

By John Tulac I’ve created a checklist of twenty-five terms commonly found in a detailed contract for the international sale of goods. The introduction and first five terms were published on January 23rd, 2014. Here are the next five terms. In each successive article, I will provide five more …

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