Friday , February 7 2025
Breaking News

Riverside County looks to upgrade unincorporated areas

Riverside County is asking residents of unincorporated communities to identify the services and programs they most need.

The Unincorporated Communities Initiative will rank projects and services for future budget cycles, beginning with the 2021-2022 fiscal year budget that starts July 1, according to a statement on the county’s website.

It will remain online until March 31 and is available in Spanish.

“Some of our most underserved communities are those areas that fall within the jurisdiction of the county for their most basic of services,” said Supervisor Kevin Jeffries in the statement. “We have an opportunity to make changes that can greatly impact the daily lives of our residents. It’s our duty to hear from them about what the greatest needs truly are and prioritize those projects for funding.”

An unincorporated area is not considered part of a city’s jurisdiction and so is governed by the county.

For more information, or to take the survey, visit

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  1. There is an area of street right between Monroe street and Cesar Chavez Blvd on Ave 52. That street is so holy, you would think it’s the pope’s street out here in the Coachella Valley. What ever happened to the funds for all these streets. Not sure which city it belongs to, whether to Indio or Coachella since it is the street that devides both cities. Get to it Riverside county!!!

  2. Idyllwild?

  3. Make GlenAvon beautiful again.

    Please make my area cleaner by making neighbors remove junk/ fire hazards from yard.

  4. Police
    Road cut and paved

  5. Need sidewalks and more cameras to be able to fight crime, need to do something about homeless

  6. A bus service and left turn lanes

  7. We need help with all the illegal marijuana grows. It’s killing wild life poisoning our ground water and using lots of ground water. It causes us to keep our windows closed for 3 months at a time because of the smell so our electric bills go up because we have to run our air conditioners a lot more than we would normally. The crime rate has gone way up including murder and theft, and a large amount of electricity theft.We used to love living here but now all I hear is how people want to move away. This is the Anza, Aguanga and Sage area

  8. There r dozen of cars in front yard of a trash filled homes We pay over $3500 hundred of dollars in taxes We would like to have my area cleaned

  9. Anza/Aguanga is in desperate need of public transportation, some relief against postal theft and some maintainence to county roads.

    Our area is so neglected in the area of county services but I do see Animal Control up here, a revenue generator. They don’t catch dogs but do issue fines.

  10. Good restaurants, Not fast food, Hospitial, better internet service,,attractive landscaping along the freeway, designated truck lane. Upper retail shops, Good Italian Deli.

  11. With the amount we pay in property taxes, the condition of Crossover Road off of East Benton Road
    is a disgrace. Also, these mailboxes being vandalized, we are like forgotten souls out here, but, you sure remember us when it comes to paying those property taxes.

  12. How getting rid of lake elsinore mgmt / code enforcement /

  13. The area on both sides of Goetz Road between Manganese Road and McLaughlin Road is being used as a trash dump site. I looks terrible. Drive or fly over the area and I know you will agree. It truly needs to be cleaned up.

  14. Please come see for yourself, El Cerrito in corona needs the roads repaired before someone gets seriously hurt or worst, the roads are completely unsafe, especially Winton Street from Foothill to Boyd. The potholes are so large it is throwing out your vehicle alignment or popping your tires. Come see for yourself before it’s too late.

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