Friday , July 26 2024
Breaking News

Business Advice

Better Than Tariffs, Better Than Sanctions, Better Than Sex On The Beach

By John W. Tulac OK, so two out of three isn’t bad.  Let’s talk about free trade.  Real free trade.  Not protectionism, not mercantilism, not fair trade, not a level playing field, but real open borders to foreign goods and capital.  Let’s remember basic economics. Last week, trade data showed …

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Chief Wahoo

By Tim Kolacz Over the past several years we have seen many corporations go through several trials and tribulations regarding how sensitive their products, mascots, or related marketing is to a multitude of different races and backgrounds. In the past couple of years we have seen The Washington Redskins football …

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Factoring – When Is It A Viable Business Funding Product?

By Eugene E. Valdez AKA The Loan Doctor There have been thousands of articles written by business finance pundits on the subject of factoring.  In the limited amount of space I have to work with I will provide my “spin” on this form of business funding.  Specifically, I will share …

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Focus On Customer Service To Stand Out From The Crowd

By Ryan Kincer Just as the cycles of weather march steadily onward in mostly predictable patterns across our planet, so does the focus and popularity of the latest business concepts, models and processes. From year to year and decade to decade there seems to be a new popular methodology for …

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The Soul of Your Business

Tim Kolacz

By Tim Kolacz I was in one of my networking groups yesterday, IE Business Doctors, and I had a great conversation with Bob Spence and John Tulac. The three of us were continuing a discussion we were having during the meeting regarding China and Russia and how these two countries …

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