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Tag Archives: Opinion

Stand with Roseburg, and Listen

By Ed Hoffman In the wake of another mass shooting, the President and his allies have once again followed the liberal directive “never let a crisis go to waste” by using the tragedy as a platform for their agenda – the agenda, of course, being gun control. And to those …

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What Ben Carson was Saying

By Ed Hoffman There is still fervor over Republican candidate Dr. Ben Carson’s remarks about the incompatibility of a theoretical Muslim presidential candidate with the United States Constitution. So while people are busy condemning Dr. Carson, I have some facts for them to consider. But first, let’s recap the hot-button …

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Another Way to Make America Great Again

It’s been a busy week, starting with the AM 590 GOP Debate Review at the Riverside Convention Center; as the primary sponsor, I was honored to lead things off with the Pledge of Allegiance. Talk radio legends Dennis Prager and Larry Elder were the guest speakers, and each one offered …

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Sink or Swim in the GOP Debate

By Ed Hoffman Those of us who have been paying attention will all be looking for different things from the second Republican presidential debate tonight. Here’s what I’ll be looking for; maybe you can relate to some of these, or maybe they can inspire you to add to your own …

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Creating a Spectacle

By Ed Hoffman This week, Jefferson County, Kentucky clerk Kim Davis was released from jail by the same Federal District Court judge who had her arrested for not issuing marriage licenses to gay couples. The judge’s decision came down after he was satisfied her office was “fulfilling its obligation to …

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Their True Agenda

By Ed Hoffman There’s plenty of time to talk about whether Vice President Joe Biden would make a good presidential candidate – after he officially announces, for example. While talking heads chatter about whether Biden stands a chance this time around, he has stayed relatively quiet on the subject. And …

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