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Tag Archives: Opinion

White House spins yet another set of lies

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Our “illustrious” leader, President Obama, delivered a commencement speech at the prestigious West Point military academy last week where crickets could be heard following his introduction compared to the boisterous cheers and applause George W. Bush received when he addressed the cadets years ago. Obama’s bottom line to the graduates …

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VA scandal – who’s to blame?

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VA Secretary Eric Shinseki submitted his resignation Friday morning, but I’m not sure he should be held fully accountable for the scandal involving deaths of dozens of veterans who were waiting to receive health care. I interviewed two veterans on Friday, Nick Cowan, 36, who also happens to be one …

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Gubernatorial candidate Neel Kashkari will rebuild California

Inland Empire News for April 2.001

I had a dynamic conversation with Republican California gubernatorial candidate Neel Kashkari on Friday and asked him questions that us voters deserve the answers to. If elected, he is determined to rebuild California, rebuild the middle class and put people back to work. Neel, 40, gleaned political experience in Washington …

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Logic that defies logic

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Read an interesting article this week the definition of the word “conundrum” is something that is puzzling or confusing. Here are a few conundrums of socialism in the United States: America is capitalistic and greedy, yet half the population is subsidized. Half the population is subsidized, but they think they …

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Lies, Lies and more lies

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We finally have a smoking gun in the Benghazi tragedy that warrants further investigation, and more importantly, the impeachment of President Obama. As Judge Jeanine Pirro strongly states, “We have impeached a president for lying about sex with an intern, a president resigned in light of certain impeachment for covering …

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Don’t shrink yourself just so others won’t feel insecure

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In Lake Elsinore a memorial is being designed to honor fallen soldiers / heroes, and within the construct of the design there is the cross and Star of David. Even though this country was founded on Judeo-Christian values, a fact that seems to be lost on some people, a small …

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