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Tag Archives: Opinion

I rant, therefore I am

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We live in chaos and we try to control our fear, and the sad thing is that many would prefer to bury your heads in the sand than to address the issue directly. A Harvard law professor, Charles Ogletree, made remarks about the fatal officer-involved shooting of Michael Brown in …

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The racial divide

Inland Empire News for March 1-3.001

Last week the world was horrified by the savage decapitation of American journalist James Foley, which was posted up on YouTube with a message from ISIS that many more American hostages will meet the same fate if the U.S. doesn’t cease air strikes over Iraq. I searched for the video, …

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What will our verse be?

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Last week we lost beloved Robin Williams who touched every person he met and those he didn’t through his humanity, compassion and humor on and off the screen. Many of the roles he portrayed highlight the human spirit and the importance of making one’s place in the world while embracing …

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Obama’s actions merit condemnation

Inland Empire Business News August 13, 2014.003

I am writing in response to the letter Bill Phillips of Murrieta submitted, “Obama’s actions merit approval.” I would like to convey my utter and complete disagreement with all of the points presented in his opinion piece, which I find inaccurate, ignorant and inane. I will dissect each of Phillips’ …

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Read, research and think

New Business Website hits Inland Empire.001

I have been forecasting an impending financial collapse worse than what we experienced in 2008 because, despite what the Obama administration would have us believe that unemployment is low and the GDP is up, the truth of the matter is that the essential structure for a healthy economy is critically …

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No remedy in handouts

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Nancy Pelosi last week in yet another effort to justify allowing the droves of illegal immigrant children to remain within our borders reminded us that baby Jesus was a refugee as are these children from South America. I take offense with her overreaching parallelism. We don’t have the resources in …

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