Friday , July 26 2024
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Business Advice

How to Utilize a Client Profile for Lead Generation

Business Advice for Inland Empire Entrepreneurs.001

Knowing who your ideal client is of the utmost importance but applying it is where your efforts pay off. Once you’ve successfully profiled your target client, the ones you want to market to, make sure all of your marketing targets this specific type of client. This next step is taking that profile …

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“I’ve got the Power”

Inland Empire Business News for May 16th, 2014.003

Remember that bad song from the early 1990’s? Well, they actually had something there for business owners now in the mid 2010’s. You have more power than you may think you do in controlling your rising insurance costs. Previously, I have talked about controlling health care costs by making your …

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Doctor Lucy

Inland Empire Business News by IE Business Daily.003

The other day, I was talking with a client (let’s call her Beth) and the subject of the troubled economy came up. The stock market had dropped over 300 points on that day and most major news outlets had made it a point to report the “bleeding” on Wall Street. …

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Profile your Customer/Client/Patient

Business Advice for Inland Empire Entrepreneurs.001

By Steven Lynn If you’ve never completed an exercise on developing your client profile, I would challenge you to drop everything and do one right now. Taking this action will save your businesses lots of time and money, but only if you’re interested in working less and keeping more. It’s …

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Cheaper Workers Comp

By Tim Kolacz You can control the cost of your Worker’s Comp insurance. No really, you can. Many companies that I work with, and by “many” I mean all, are concerned about the small fortune they pay every year in Worker’s Comp premiums. “How do I pay less?” is a …

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To fee or not to fee

Inland Empire Business News by IE Business Daily.003

By Kraig Strom Over the 12 plus years that I have built my financial practice, I have lost track of how many times I’ve heard differing opinions on what kind of financial professional I should be. Should I be a commission based advisor or a fee based advisor? Although I …

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