Friday , July 26 2024
Breaking News

Business Advice

Worker’s Compensation – Relief In Sight

Inland Empire Makes News in Manufacturing.001

Over the past several years, businesses across California have been getting hammered with increases in their Worker’s Compensation rates. Coupled with two changes to the Experience Modification calculation in the past four years, rates have risen by almost double in several cases. 2013 was especially poor as rates rose an …

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The Average Return “Lie”

Inland Empire Business News by IE Business Daily.003

What investment companies and financial entertainers don’t tell you could cost you thousands. Investment companies and financial entertainers like Dave Ramsey & Suze Orman talk about getting a 12% average return in from mutual funds but is that real? Does that actually happen in the real world? There is an …

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Do you have a ticking time bomb employee?

The Inland Empire's Business Detective.001

By Jeff Stewart Employees can be your biggest asset and your biggest detriment if not managed properly. You could literally have a ticking time bomb working for you that could explode into complaints with government agencies, unfounded workers’ compensation claims, or worse, a class action lawsuit. Employees today are quite …

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Real-time business intelligence

Inland Empire Company helps NASA.001

Using space-age technology to adapt to market trends By Swapan Nag What does technology that allows us to view Earth from the International Space Station as it orbits around the planet have to do with supply chain management? Or technology that helps authorities pinpoint and deploy vital resources during a …

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Preparing for the Sale of a Business

Inland Empire Businesses Get Sound Advice.003

By: Edward L. Fixen The following list summarizes what I believe are the top factors that affect and influence business owner’s ability to sell their business and should be considered years in advance to prepare for the sale of any business. If you have given any thought to selling in …

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Harnessing Strengths

Inland Empire Businesses Coach Next Generation.001

When was the last time you sat across from someone, either trying to be hired or the one hiring, and had the question arise: “What is your biggest weakness?” Why would anyone ask that question? Most of the time you are going to get an answer that has been canned …

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