Friday , July 26 2024
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Tag Archives: Opinion

Who’s REALLY Politicizing Scalia’s Death?

By Ed Hoffman I can’t say much more about the recent death of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia than what has already been said. What I can do, however, is tell you whose comments I agree with and whose I do not. I do agree with Senate Majority Leader Mitch …

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Why the Primaries Matter

By Ed Hoffman As my radio listeners know, one of my biggest pet peeves is the collective refusal of people to pay attention to the events of our electoral process. Those events include everything from town halls and rally stops to televised debates and state primaries. Of course, I understand …

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Iowa Caucus Reflections

By Ed Hoffman With the results of the Iowa Caucus in, it’s time to analyze what just happened. In the Democratic party, the results were precisely 50/50 with Clinton and Sanders in a dead heat and a literal coin toss held to determine a winner. The fact that Hillary Clinton, …

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“13 Hours” and Hillary Emails – What Matter Most

By Ed Hoffman If you heard anything about the magazine National Review last week, it was probably that it published columns by 20 leading conservative thinkers urging readers not to vote for Donald Trump. But did you hear about the magazine’s in-depth reporting on the latest shoe to drop in the Hillary …

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Questioning the Prisoner Swap

By Ed Hoffman There’s a lot to celebrate when it comes to the release of the four Americans wrongfully imprisoned in Iran, but there’s also much to criticize. Christians in America are celebrating the release of Pastor Saeed Abedini, and they should. Media figures are celebrating the release of Washington …

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Tuning out the State of the Union

By Ed Hoffman As I write this, it hasn’t happened yet – but by the time you read this, President Obama will have given his final State of the Union address to the nation. Hopefully you watched it and won’t need to be briefed, but if you didn’t watch it, …

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