Friday , July 26 2024
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Tag Archives: Opinion

It’s Fair Game

By Ed Hoffman I opened my live broadcast on Saturday with a clip from the movie “The Contender,” wherein Jeff Bridges’ character (the President) says the line, “Napoleon once said when asked to explain the lack of great statesmen in the world, that ‘to get power you need to display …

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Bartering: A Sound Foreign Policy

When Donald Trump gave his first foreign policy speech last week, we finally saw some of the “presidential” overtones we have been promised by his campaign lately. I thought, “Here’s his opportunity to screw up, to say something dumb if he hasn’t thought this out.” But to my relief, he …

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Making My Point

By Ed Hoffman The Northeastern primaries are this week, with Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland and Rhode Island voting on their party nominations. So naturally, I emailed with a close relative in one of those states to find out who she was voting for Tuesday. She replied, “Since I am Democrat, …

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The Candidates are Amping it Up

By Ed Hoffman Some people are calling this week the “Revenge of Trump,” thanks to an easy win in New York (as I’m writing this, the primary is tonight and the votes aren’t in yet but we all know how it’s going to play out). Last week, you saw Ted …

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Anti-Capitalists Refuse the Truth

By Ed Hoffman As my listeners know, I’m an unapologetic capitalist. If you are too, then you know that some people believe the only good business is business that doesn’t grow. They believe that once an enterprise reaches corporate status, it automatically becomes evil. The even worse news? Those people …

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It’s Still Smart to Stand with Trump

By Ed Hoffman Has Donald Trump stepped in it a few times over the past week? Of course. I won’t try to pretend like he hasn’t. But I’m defending him anyway, because 1.) he’s not a polished politician and there is value in that and 2.) people underrate the importance …

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