Friday , July 26 2024
Breaking News

Business Advice

Applying for a business loan? What does bankable mean?

By Eugene E. Valdez, AKA The Loan Doctor All of my current banking & finance consultant clients were initially consulting prospects. They were brave souls who attempted to navigate the murky waters of the commercial banking industry on their own and out of frustration and bewilderment hired me. They failed …

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Commercial Banking Loans….Relationship or Numbers?

By Eugene E. Valdez AKA The Loan Doctor In many areas of our life such as  business and sports there is an almost fanatical obsession with using metrics, KPI’s, analytics and  spread sheets to issue proposals and  to evaluate and monitor individual and company performances. Numbers… Numbers…. Numbers…. Are we …

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Winding down to get wound up

By Tim Kolacz As the Summer comes to a close and Labor Day is behind us, it’s a great time to wind down from the busy past few months. Reflecting on the vacations, watering the kids and watching them grow into bigger people with a great zeal for life, and …

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Why not a Deferred Sales Trust?

By The Loan Doctor AKA Gene Valdez The 1031 Exchange Many of my CEO clients invest in real estate to diversify their revenue streams.  Most commonly they own the commercial building in which they operate their business. Many of my clients decide to sell their building for many reasons that …

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Competitive Strategy First! Bank Financing Second!

By The Loan Doctor AKA Eugene E. Valdez In my email signature block I state my company’s mission/purpose statement, “Helping CEO’s reach their targeted business goals through cutting edge loan acquisition strategies.” I was happy with this statement 6 months ago, but I have come to realize that as I …

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Business Health Can Be Achieved By Controlling Your Attitude

By Eugene E. Valdez AKA The Loan Doctor ™ I have always believed that highly successful entrepreneurs recognize the strong connection between their mind, thoughts and attitudes and business achievement. (I use this tactic every day in my consulting business; I think I am reasonably successful) To obtain another professional …

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